Pioneer HS student struck by car’s mirror, not seriously hurt; school official gives safety reminder about busy Prineville street

(Update: School district says mirror hit student)
PRINEVILLE, Ore. (KTVZ) – A Pioneer High School student was struck by a car's side mirror on Lynn Boulevard Thursday as students returned from lunch break and was taken to St. Charles Prineville for evaluation, prompting a school official to ask that drivers "be extra-vigilant and slow down," especially when children are present.
Prineville Police responded to the accident scene around noon, according to Crook County School District Communications Director Jason Carr.
"We are pleased to report the student was not seriously hurt and will be OK," Carr said in a news release.
Police Lt. Shane Wilson said police were investigating the incident and speaking with witnesses.
“At this time, it does not appear drugs or alcohol were a factor” in the crash, Wilson said. “At this time, no citations or arrests have been made. However, at the conclusion of the investigation, that may change, depending on the facts and circumstances.”
Lynn Boulevard is one of Prineville’s busiest roads, Carr said, serving a large neighborhood, along with Pioneer High School and Crook County High School. Students walk to and from school daily, and many visit the local R&R store during lunch.
Carr told NewsChannel 21 there are no sidewalks along most of Lynn Boulevard, except at the entrances to Pioneer and Crook County high schools.
Superintendent Dr. Duane Yecha says Lynn Boulevard has always been a safety concern, and he wants to remind the community to be extra cautious when driving in the area.
“It’s a busy area, with lots of traffic and students walking to school," Yecha said. "It’s an area that has always concerned me because of all the activities before, during and after school. I’d like to ask the community to be extra-vigilant and slow down, especially when children are walking along the road.”
The City of Prineville installed a flashing yellow light a few years ago at the intersection of Lynn Boulevard and Knowledge Street. It helps warn drivers when students are about to cross the road, officials said, adding that the "Crook County School District will continue to work with the city and our school resource officers to improve student safety in the area."