SE Ninth and Wilson Avenue intersection to close Monday for roundabout construction

BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- As part of the first phase of the city's Wilson Avenue Corridor Project in Southeast Bend, the Wilson Avenue and Ninth Street intersection will be closed starting Monday, March 7. Improvements include a single-lane roundabout and separated bike lanes.
Construction activity is scheduled to continue through late May. Local and emergency access will be maintained.
The Wilson Avenue Corridor Project is a multi-phase modernization project that will improve safety and east-west connectivity for all users along Wilson Avenue from Second Street to 15th Street.
The City of Bend Transportation Bond Oversight Committee identified the Wilson Avenue Corridor Project as the first project of the Transportation General Obligation (GO) Bond, approved by voters in 2020.
Wilson Avenue traffic will be detoured via Third Street to Reed Market Road to 15th Street.
Ninth Street traffic will be detoured via Reed Market Road to 15th Street to Wilson Avenue to Bridgeford Boulevard to Zeller Lane.
For more information about the project, visit