Learn to be a lifesaver: Bend Fire & Rescue again offering hands-only CPR, Stop the Bleed training
BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- After a pause due to COVID, Bend Fire & Rescue's FREE hands-only CPR and Stop the Bleed courses are BACK! Classes will start Wednesday evening.
Our hands-only CPR course is a free, non-certified course that teaches our community hands on CPR life-saving techniques. The class will cover what to anticipate from 911 dispatch during the emergency, how to properly and effectively perform CPR, and what to expect when first responders arrive to help.
The Stop the Bleed training is designed to teach our community what to do to stop severe uncontrolled bleeding. This class will teach why severe uncontrolled bleeding is dangerous, how to recognize it, and more importantly how to control the bleeding quickly and effectively.
Hands-only CPR and Stop the Bleed courses are taught on the first Wednesday of each month at the Bend Fire & Rescue Training Center – 63377 NE Jamison Street. CPR class is from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm and the Stop the Bleed is from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. The courses are open to ages 12 and up. Please sign up on Bend Fire & Rescue's webpage.