Gov. Brown gets COVID-19 booster shot, flu vaccine, urges others to do the same

SALEM, Ore. (KTVZ) — Gov. Kate Brown received her COVID-19 booster shot and her flu vaccine Tuesday at Salem Health’s Edgewater Clinic, urging other Oregonians to talk with their doctor and do the same if appropriate.
She issued a statement:
"I am extremely grateful for the protection the Johnson & Johnson vaccine has given me. All three of the vaccines are safe, and incredibly effective at protecting against hospitalization and death. And now, I am grateful to have received extra protection against both COVID-19 and the flu with the Moderna booster shot and the flu shot.
"Many Oregonians are now eligible for a booster — I encourage you to have conversations with your health care provider, like I have with my doctor, Dr. Yates, to learn more about the extra protection a booster can offer you. Vaccinations are our way out of this pandemic. If you still have questions about getting vaccinated, call your doctor or health care provider today to get your questions answered."
“And, when you get your COVID-19 vaccine, it’s quick and easy to get your flu shot, too. You can help prevent the flu from spreading in your community, and help our doctors, nurses, and health care workers to preserve resources to treat COVID-19 patients.”
d Dr. Ralph Yates, Chief Medical Officer, Salem Health Hospitals and Clinics, said, “The COVID-19 booster is safe and effective in prolonging protection against severe illness. The vaccine remains our only path out of the pandemic and my colleagues and I encourage everyone to get the booster when eligible.”
“Flu vaccines are another important way to protect one another, especially as we head into the winter months. An increase in flu cases is anticipated this year, but flu shots can help. Flu shots can be given at the same time as the booster.”
Last week, the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shared their recommendation for recipients of the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines. The Western States Scientific Safety Workgroup followed with their recommendations, which align with the federal guidance, and which Oregon will be following. All Oregonians 18 years of age or older who received a Johnson & Johnson vaccine should receive a booster dose two months after their first shot,.
The FDA and CDC also approved the “mix-and-match” strategy. This allows anyone qualifying for a booster to receive any of the FDA-approved vaccines. Individuals may receive either the same or a different COVID-19 vaccine, depending on advice from a health care provider, individual preference, availability or convenience.
The governor's statement on the Western States Scientific Safety Review Workgroup can be found here.
These groups of Oregonians who received the Moderna vaccine at least 6 months ago are now eligible and recommended to receive a booster shot:
- People 65 years of age and older,
- People 18 years of age and older residing in a long-term care facility, or
- People 50 through 64 years of age with underlying medical conditions or at increased risk of social inequities.
All Oregonians 18 years of age or older who received a Johnson & Johnson vaccine should receive a booster dose two months after their first shot.
Additionally, the following group of Oregonians who received the Moderna vaccine may also receive a booster dose after six months:
- People 18 through 49 years of age with underlying medical conditions or at increased risk of social inequities, or
- People 18 through 49 years of age who are at risk for SARS-CoV-2 exposure and transmission because of occupational or institutional setting.