Bend PD release new info on Safeway shooting: Over 100 shots fired; hero went after gunman with produce knife

Say gunman fired into his own pickup, obtained 3 guns legally
BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- Bend police released new details late Tuesday afternoon on Sunday night's shooting at the Eastside Safeway, including that more than 100 shots were fired by the gunman and that a heroic store employee went after the shooter with a produce knife to stop him, and was then shot and killed.
Here's the info, as released by Bend police:
"An investigation shows that the suspect fired into his own vehicle, a 1997 Ford F-250, in the parking lot of the Fox Hollow apartments before walking into the parking lot of The Forum.
"While law enforcement has not completed its search of shell casings, more than 100 have been recovered from the scene, including at the apartment complex, The Forum shopping center and the interior of the Safeway.
"The suspect obtained his three firearms legally and purchased them himself. No other weapons or guns have been recovered. An additional 25 shotgun shells were found in the suspect's apartment, and 150 rounds of 5.56 ammunition and a box of 25 rounds of shotgun shells were in the suspect's vehicle (along with a sawed-off shotgun and three Molotov cocktails).
"The suspect, who police have confirmed did work at Safeway for a short time, had four magazines of 30 rounds of ammunition for his AR-15 on his person at the time of his death.
"Video surveillance shows that upon hearing gunshots in the Safeway, victim Donald Surrett, Jr., had ample time to flee the scene but instead moved a produce cart into position to hide from the attacker.
"When the suspect approached, Surrett waited for the suspect to look away, then attacked the suspect with a produce knife he kept on his hip. The suspect shot and killed Surrett, then ended his own life as officers entered the building.
"In addition, video surveillance shows two community members who, upon seeing Glenn Bennett injured on the floor near the Safeway entrance, re-entered the store and pulled Bennett out of the building, where he was attended to by medics and officers.
"Bend Police are extremely thankful to our community members for the efforts they made during this incident.
"At this time, law enforcement remains on scene at Safeway. Bend Police expects to limit its investigative area to the grocery store, allowing the adjacent parking lot to reopen," the release concluded.