Outdoor debris burning season set to open Friday near Bend and Sisters, officials say

BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- Outdoor debris burning will open at sunrise on Friday for areas outside the City of Bend within the boundaries of Deschutes County Rural Fire Protection District #2, as well as near Sisters.
Debris burning is not allowed throughout the year within the city limits of Bend, as per city ordinance, Bend Fire & Rescue officials said in their announcement, which continues below:.
Burning can be shut down daily, based on current and projected weather conditions. Please call our burn information line at 541-322-6335 every day before burning for the most current conditions and whether burning is open or closed that day.
A reminder: Debris burning regulations may vary between governmental jurisdictions within the Central Oregon area. Please contact your local fire agency for specific requirements and restrictions.
As an alternative to burning yard debris, fire agencies within Deschutes County recommend that residents participate in the Project Wildfire Fire Sale Oct. 29-Nov. 5 at the Knott Landfill. During the Fall Sale, Deschutes Recycling at Knott Landfill will accept yard debris for half off – just $2 per yard!
Campfires, recreational fires, warming fires and cooking fires may be permitted in areas where debris burning is prohibited. Contact your local fire agency for the burning regulations in your area.
Burning regulations for the City of Bend and Deschutes County Rural Fire Protection District #2 may be picked up at the nearest fire station or by printing them from the City of Bend web site at www.bendoregon.gov/burninginfo.
Meanwhile, open burning within the Black Butte Ranch, Cloverdale and Sisters‐Camp Sherman fire districts will be allowed beginning Friday at daylight.
Residents are strongly encouraged to contact their local fire protection agencies for additional burning information and regulations, their announcement stated, continuing below.
Please note that some municipalities such as the City of Sisters do not allow yard debris burning at any time during the year within their jurisdictions, and certain homeowners associations may have further restrictions in place.
The Sisters‐Camp Sherman Fire District utilizes an online registration system for burning. The online
system can be accessed by visiting www.sistersfire.com, or the “Burn Permits” App available in both the
Apple and Google Play stores. The Burn Permits App can be downloaded directly to your smart phone.
Residents in the Sisters‐Camp Sherman Fire District should register their address and schedule their burn
days using the online system.
Residents that have previously registered their address in the system should still check burning status
daily and schedule a burn through the online system for each day they intend to burn.
The requirement to check in each day is based on changing atmospheric and weather conditions such as wind or air dryness. The Fire District’s on‐duty Shift Commanders will make a determination and update the system before 8 a.m. each day regarding whether burning will be allowed within the District.
Residents in the Cloverdale Fire District can visit https://www.cloverdalefire.com/burning‐reg to register
for a burn permit. Residents in Black Butte Ranch Fire District should contact the fire department at 541‐
595‐2288 to schedule a burn.
Safety during open burn season is of the utmost importance. The online reporting system allows Fire
District staff the ability to see who is burning on a daily basis, immediately notify users of changing
conditions, message important fire safety information, ensure that those planning to burn are aware of
the City of Sisters outdoor burn ban, and that the right jurisdiction is being notified of the planned burn.
Local fire departments will continue to monitor weather and fuel moisture conditions in their district and
may make modifications on a day‐to‐day basis. Please call your local fire agency for more information.