Evacuation orders being lifted Tuesday AM on 14,500-acre Two Four Two Fire

CHILOQUIN, Ore. (KTVZ) -- A threat of high winds did not materialize on the fire lines Monday, so the Two Four Two Fire northwest of Chiloquin didn't grow, containment increased to 15% and officials said all evacuation orders will be lifted Tuesday morning.
Two Four Two Fire
September 14, 2020 9:00 p.m.
Oregon Department of Forestry IMT 2
Bill Hunt, Incident Commander
Email contact—twofourtwofire.information@gmail.com
Public Information Line: (541) 846-8174
Size: 14,536 Acres
Containment: 15%
Start Date: Sept. 7, 2020
7:00 p.m.
Containment Date: Sept. 25, 2020
Location: Northwest of Chiloquin, Oregon
Cause: Unknown
Est. Cost: $3.3million
Personnel: 500
Resources: 9 hand crews
36 Engines
17 Dozers
14 Water Tenders
Aircraft: 4 Helicopters
Evacuations: All evacuations expire
tomorrow at 9 a.m.
Level 3: (Go)
ï‚· Hwy 62 from mile post
100 to mile post 94
ï‚· Hwy 422 North from
U.S. 97 to Hwy 62
ï‚· North of Collier State
Park Logging Museum
on Glendale Drive
Level 1: (Get Ready)
ï‚· Highway 62 from milepost 94 to Sun Mountain Road
Threatened: 1,278
Damaged: 70
Destroyed: 35
Closures: Road Closures are in place
at: Hwy 62 from milepost
94 to 100; and Hwy 422
North from Hwy 97 to
Hwy 62; Glendale Drive
north of Collier State Park
Logging Museum
Fire Summary:
Chiloquin Fire Chief Mike Cook said, "We are lifting all evacuation
orders effective tomorrow at 9 a.m. September, 15. Access to Road 422
North will be at noon. Highway 62 and Road 422 remain closed to the public."
After the orders expire, residents can enter these areas. They must
show proof of residency before entering. Non-residents cannot enter.
Please give residents space to allow them a safe return home.
The fire has not grown and remains at 14,536 acres. Containment
increased to 15 percent. Today’s forecast high winds did not arrive over
the fire. Firefighters and the National Guard troops improved the fire’s
control line and held the fire today.
Tonight's Facebook live meeting is available on the fire's Facebook
page. The link above allows anyone to view the meeting.
Safety remains our top priority. This includes preventing COVID19. Personnel continue to follow the Center for Disease Control guidelines.
This means limiting personal contact in fire camp and the community. The
fire camp remains closed to the public and media.
This is the final evening update pending any major changes to fire