Mt. Bachelor proposes new hiking-mtn. biking, snow-cat trails, snow-making guns
Deschutes National Forest seeking public comments
BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- New trails and snow-making guns are proposed improvements at Mt. Bachelor out for public review and comment from the Deschutes National Forest's Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District.
The resort, which operates under a special use permit, is proposing to build a 5 1/2-mile trail to connect Pine Marten Lodge and West Village, for both hiking and mountain biking. Construction of the proposed 4-foot-wide trail would begin next spring or summer.
Mt. Bachelor also proposes a new snow-cat trail from the top of the Sunrise lift to the top of the Carnival Run, allowing the snow-cat to access beginner terrain on Carnival and groom, especially early in the season, when snow levels are low.
The resort wants to add two snow-making guns, one in the area of the slopestyle park and the other in the half-pipe.
The Forest Service is seeking comments by Oct. 2. More details are available at