Oregon Parks and Rec Department seeks public input on proposed changes in scenic bikeways rules

SALEM, Ore. (KTVZ) — The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department is accepting public comments on proposed changes to Oregon Administrative Rules guiding the Scenic Bikeways program.
The deadline for comments is May 19 at 5 p.m.
The proposed rule changes apply to scenic bikeways definitions, committee makeup and committee processes, and include:
- expanding the number of public at-large seats on the Scenic Bikeways Committee.
- changing required committee affiliation criteria.
- clarifying the committee quorum.
- clarifying establishment of new route process and expanding the definitions.
- amending the definition of “Bicycle Path” to “Improved Public Ways.”
- adding accessibility language to include electric assisted bicycles, wheelchairs and other adaptive equipment.
- expanding the criteria for establishing new routes by adding the following: “minimizing adverse effects and conflicts between other existing recreation user types.”
A virtual public hearing is set for Wednesday, April 19 at 6 p.m. for those wanting to comment or learn more about the proposed rule changes. Registration is required to participate and can be completed at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rjxn3vI1SqmwaZbTkMNneA
Comments also may be submitted by 5 p.m., May 19 via:
- online at https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/PRP/Pages/PRP-rulemaking.aspx .
- mail at Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, attn.: Jo Niehaus, 725 Summer St NE, Suite C, Salem OR 97301.
- email at OPRD.publiccomment@oprd.oregon.gov .
After reviewing public comments, agency staff will present a final amended rule for consideration by the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Commission at a business meeting.
The Scenic Bikeways program was established in 2009 by OPRD, Cycle Oregon, Travel Oregon and the Oregon Department of Transportation. It now includes 17 of the state’s best, designated mostly-roadway bicycle routes that showcase Oregon’s breathtaking landscapes, cultural treasures and western hospitality. More information is on the scenic bikeways program website at https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/BWT/Pages/BWT-bikeways.aspx
Individuals who require special accommodations to participate in the meeting should contact Jo Niehaus at least three days in advance of the meeting at jo.niehaus@oprd.oregon.gov or 503-580-9210.