Deschutes County advisory panel to review 13 possible sites for county’s next landfill

More analyses will be used to narrow list to 3-5 potential locations
BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- The Deschutes County Solid Waste Advisory Committee meets next Tuesday to review 13 potential sites for a new Solid Waste Management Facility to replace Knott Landfill when it reaches capacity in about seven years.
“These initial sites were identified through a multi-step process, using criteria that we developed through a public process," said Chad Centola, Deschutes County’s director of solid waste. "It is exciting to see the early results of the screening process, and we are eager to get feedback on the sites.”
Here's the rest of Thursday's announcement:
Knott Landfill, the county’s only landfill, will reach capacity in 2029. The county has been working to identify potential sites using evaluation criteria developed with the assistance of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee and approved by the Board of County Commissioners earlier this year. The criteria include site characteristics, engineering, environmental and land use considerations.
The county has shared information with the property owners of the 13 sites, as well as property owners adjacent to the identified sites.
The next step in the siting evaluation process is for the committee to use additional analyses to select three to five potential locations for further study. This is expected to occur in March.
This siting process is expected to take several years. Once complete, the new solid waste facility will be a 100-year asset for our communities.
While the need for landfill capacity is driving the siting effort, opportunities for the separation and diversion of recyclables, food waste, and construction and demolition materials may also be considered as part of the final site design.
The site will be designed with a buffer to help screen operations from neighboring properties and will be “limited access”—meaning it will be closed to the public but will receive waste from the five transfer stations located in the county.
The transfer station, recycling center, household hazardous waste collection facility and composting operation at Knott Landfill will continue to operate at their current location and be open to the public after closure of Knott Landfill.
The Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting will be held at the Deschutes County Road Department, at 61150 SE 27th Street in Bend. The meeting can be attended live or virtually. Community members can register to attend virtually or view a recording after the meeting at this link: Solid Waste Advisory Committee Meetings.
Residents can provide feedback or submit questions by emailing or calling the Department of Solid Waste at (541) 317-3163.
About the landfill siting project:
In 2018, anticipating the need for a new facility, the county began proactively exploring options to manage the future of solid waste generated in Deschutes County and worked with the Solid Waste Advisory Committee to develop a road map.
The resulting Deschutes County Solid Waste Management Plan was adopted by the Board of Commissioners in 2019. The Plan provides direction for the new landfill to be sited within Deschutes County, as opposed to trucking waste outside the county or employing costly alternative technologies.
Residents can learn more about the siting process and the county’s efforts to manage the future of solid waste in Deschutes County here or by visiting the Solid Waste Advisory Committee Meetings web page.