Bend shelter seeks help with icy parking lot
The recent storms have left the Shepherd’s House parking lot at 1854 NE Division Street a virtual ice rink, and the shelter is reaching out for help in clearing it.
“What normally is a thoroughfare of activity, including donation drop-offs, has become a high-risk area for walking, driving, parking, and basic building access,” a brief news release Saturday from Shepherd’s House Ministries stated.
“We are seeking help from the community to clear the ice and snow from our parking lot so we can resume regular service operations, including food and supply deliveries, donations drop-offs, volunteer helpers, and safe access for our homeless guests,” the organization said.
“If there are people in our community with the appropriate equipment who are able to help us restore our parking lot to safety, please contact us immediately. Thank you,” they said.
Shepherd’s House
1854 NE Division Street
Bend, OR 97701