Culvert replacement work closes Ochoco NF roads
Contractors working for the Ochoco National Forest are continuing culvert replacement projects about 7 miles east of Big Summit Prairie on the Paulina Ranger District. Crews are temporarily closing segments of Forest Service roads to install culverts that will improve stream flow and aquatic organism passage.
Two segments of Forest Road 4250 are now closed, at the road’s junctures with Toggle Creek and Jackson Creek. Contractors are removing the road fill and existing pipe at both locations to replace them with a multi-plate arch before reconstructing the road. The closures could remain in place for up to 90 days.
Both intersections are signed on the ground. People who wish to find alternate driving routes around the closures are encouraged to call the Ochoco National Forest office in Prineville at (541) 416-6500.
In June, contractors undertook similar work along Forest Road 30 and Forest Road 4250 at the points where both roads intersected with Happy Camp Creek. Those projects are now finished and the road segments are open again for public use.
” We appreciate public tolerance of these temporary inconveniences in support of our restoration work, ” the forest announcement stated.
For more information, contact Patrick Lair at (541) 416-6647 or