Poll: Majority of Oregonians may back health care tax
A new statewide poll says a majority of Oregon voters would consider paying a new health care tax more than twice as large as their income tax — if it replaced their health care premiums and other health care expenses.
Nationally, previous polls show high support for universal health care such as single-payer or Medicare-for-All, but with low voter willingness to support those programs financially.
Now, Oregon voters in this poll were dramatically motivated for change by the increasingly high cost and other problems of the current health care system.
Elway Research is one of only six polls in the country to receive an “A+” rating from Fivethirtyeight.com. The poll included registered voters in all state House districts and reflected party distribution in Oregon (35% Democrat, 25% Republican, 40% other). The margin of error was 5%.
This poll found that among Oregonians.
-81% identified the cost of health care to individuals, governments, and businesses as a major problem, “This is about as unified an opinion, across party lines and other demographic categories, as you will ever see in America,” remarks Corvallis resident and retired management consultant Warren George, who commissioned the poll along with support from Ron Loe of Wood Castle Furniture.
-70% of voters also identified other concerns such as medical bankruptcy and unnecessary system complexity as major problems, and,
-More than half believed that as costs continue to rise, Medicare and Medicaid programs are in major jeopardy.
Key findings:
-75% of Oregon voters believe that universal care is a desirable solution to the high cost and other problems, but unlike previous national polls, Oregon voters were significantly more willing to express support for a tax to provide public health care benefits. The poll indicates that this support stems in part from a majority of Oregon voters believing claims that a universal care system will save money relative to the cost of premiums and other health care expenses which the tax would replace.
-62% of Oregon voters would probably or definitely vote for a separate health care tax to provide care for everyone in the state, as long as the tax is typically smaller than what they currently pay in premiums and out-of-pocket expenses, and as long as employers keep contributing about the same portion of employee cost as they do now.
This majority opinion held across all five congressional districts, and held in both Republican- and Democrat-represented districts of the Oregon Legislature.
Dr. Samuel Metz, who was not involved with the poll, speculated that the high interest in a statewide universal care plan indicates the Oregonians “have higher faith that a workable health care plan will emerge from their legislators in Salem than from their congressional delegation in Washington DC.
“No longer can elected officials claim their Oregon constituents will not tolerate a healthcare plan that raises taxes,” Metz said. “As long as legislative plans lower overall health care spending, voters will keep listening. It’s time for each legislator to be thinking health care, because their voting constituents sure are.”
Stuart Elway, president of Elway Research, cautions, “Of course, this is not a vote. It is easier to tell a pollster that one favors a new health care tax than it is to actually vote for one. Still, with 6 in 10 respondents open to a measure that would eliminate or replace private insurance, establish a new state agency and a new health care tax to fund it, these findings indicate that Oregon voters are ready to have that discussion.”
About the poll: The poll was conducted by Elway Research, Inc, of Seattle between July 17-21. A random sample of 402 registered voters in Oregon were interviewed by live interviewers via land line and cell phones and online. The margin of sampling error 5%.