Two new Century Farms in Jefferson County, 15 statewide
The Oregon Century Farm & Ranch Program, administered through the Oregon Farm Bureau Foundation for Education, is one of the oldest agricultural heritage programs in the nation.
This year, 15 families were honored with Oregon Century Farm or Ranch status for remaining operational and within the same family for at least 100 years — and five farms reached Sesquicentennial status for reaching the 150-year milestone.
The families come from 15 counties across the state, and they bring the total number of Oregon Century Farms and Ranches to 1,227 and Sesquicentennial Farms and Ranches to 46.
See the family narratives of each honored farm and ranch here: Learn more about the Oregon Century Farm & Ranch Program here: The Century Farm and Ranch families being honored in 2019 are:
Schrepel Family: Founded in Washington County in 1919 by Oliver Schrepel. Applicant is Mark & Schrepel
Saunders Ranch: Founded in Baker County in 1915 by George G.B. Saunders. Applicant is Walter S. Saunders Jr.
Box T Ranch: Founded in Grant County in 1915 by John & Margaret Masson. Applicant is Roger and Meredith Ediger
Phillips Pioneer Farm: Founded in Polk County in 1894 by E.C. Keyt & George Washington Myer. Applicant is Kathryn Phillps
Wilfred Hamann Farm: Founded in Union County in 1918 by Arthur Hamann. Applicant is Wilfred Hamann
Klann Farms: Founded in Jefferson County in 1905 by Seth Leulling. Applicant is Klann Farms- The Klann Family (Seth Klann)
Kaser Family Farm: Founded in Wasco County in 1913 by Julius Kaser. Applicant is Phillip Kaser
Ellett’s Green Ridge Tree Farm: Founded in Wasco County in 1919 by C.E. & Iva Belden. Applicant is Fritz Ellett
27 Bar Ranch: Founded in Jefferson County in 1917 by William (Bill) Nartz in 1917. Applicant is James Nartz
Doz Ag LLC: Founded in Marion County in 1919 by John & Regina Dozler. Applicants are Marty & Amy Dozler
Fletcher Family Farm: Founded in Hood River County in 1919 by Leonard & May Fletcher. Applicant is Jill L. House
Gingerich Farms: Founded in Clackamas County in 1919 by Fred & Katie Gingerich. Applicant is Richard L. Gingerich
Cremer Farm: Founded in Marion County in 1904 by Frank & Catherine Cremer. Applicant is John Beitel
Hewitt’s Greenwood Gardens: Founded in Polk County in 1919 by Guy Glenn (G.G.) Hewitt. Applicant is Brian Hewitt
E. Neuschwander Farm: Founded in Linn County in 1919 by Emry P & Lydia Neuschwander. Applicants are Noel & MaryAnn Neuschwander
The Sesquicentennial Award program began in 2008 in honor of Oregon’s 150th birthday celebration. Sesquicentennial awards recognize Oregon families who have continuously farmed portions of their original family acreage for 150 years or more. Forty-six (46) families have now received this prestigious sesquicentennial award.
The Sesquicentennial Farm and Ranch families being honored in 2019 are:
Thompson Farm: Founded in Marion County in 1868 by Alexander Thompson. Applicant is Tim Thompson
Heller Century Farm: Founded in Coos County in 1869 by Louis Heller. Applicants are Russ and Debbie Heller
Charlton Farm: Founded in Multnomah County in 1848 by Joseph and Mary Charlton. Applicant is Betsy Charlton Powell
Ingle Butte Ranches: Founded in Grant County in 1867 by W.D. Ingle. Applicant is Kim Lemmons
Nusbaum Farms LLC: Founded in Benton County in 1869 by George Humphrey . Applicant is H. Frank Nusbaum
Every Oregon farm and ranch has a unique history and special family story. The Oregon Century Farm & Ranch program encourages agriculture families to share, with a broader audience, these stories. By promoting family stories, rich cultural heritage is passed down to future generations while educating Oregonians about the social and economic impact of Oregon agriculture.
The Oregon Century Farm & Ranch Program began in 1958 to honor farm and ranch families with century-long connections to the land.
To qualify for a century or sesquicentennial award, interested families must follow a formal application process. Members of the Application Review Committee review each application against the qualifications, which include continuous family operation of the farm or ranch; a gross income from farm use of not less than $1,000 per year for at least three years out of five prior to application; and family members must live on or actively manage the farm or ranch activities.
Application documentation may include photos, original deeds, personal stories, or other historic records. These records help support Oregon’s agricultural history by providing valuable information about settlement patterns or statistics on livestock and crop cycles. All documents are archived for public access.
Award winners receive a certificate signed by the Governor and Director of the Oregon Department of Agriculture. Historic roadside signs are imprinted with the founder’s name and the year the ranch or farm was established.
The Oregon Century Farm & Ranch Program is administered by the Oregon Farm Bureau Foundation for Education. It is supported by a partnership among the Oregon Farm Bureau, the State Historic Preservation Office, OSU University Archives, and by generous donations of Oregonians.
For more information about the Oregon Century Farm & Ranch Program, contact Andra Kuenzi, Program Coordinator, at 503.400.7884 or
The application deadline for 2020 is May 1. Learn more at