ODOT Region 4 construction update: Week of Jan. 26-Feb. 2

BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- Here is the ODOT Region 4 construction update for the week of Jan. 26-Feb. 2.
Here at ODOT, we are committed to providing a safe and efficient transportation system for everyone. We invest in Oregon's future through roadway improvement projects. The following projects are located within Region 4; Central Oregon from The Dalles to Klamath Falls on the east side of the Cascades.
There are two ways to learn about construction taking place for the upcoming week.
1. Visit TripCheck.com. Constantly updated with construction and crash data, TripCheck is the best way to learn about road conditions around the state. Click on a traffic cone symbol on the map to see construction impacts for that area.
2. Scroll down to the counties and highways listed below to see impacts that could affect you. Construction information is shown for one week, giving you the most up-to-date information.
All work is dependent on weather conditions, and schedules are subject to change.
U.S. 97 and U.S. 20 Bend North Corridor
Crews are finishing miscellaneous clean-up work on U.S. 20 from Cooley Road to Robal Lane.
Crews continue work on new Empire Avenue/3rd Street ramps east of Nels Anderson Road.
Earthwork continue east of Nels Anderson Road from Cooley Road to Empire Avenue.
Crews will excavate, grade and build walls along the northbound U.S. 97 shoulder between Grandview Drive and Empire Avenue.
Travelers may encounter single lane nighttime closures on U.S. 97 between Grandview Drive and Empire Avenue for traffic control repairs.
Travelers can expect slight delays on Nels Anderson Road just north of Brandis Court while crews install sewer and water lines. Flaggers will be in place to help direct traffic.
Expected completion - December 2024
More project information here.
U.S. 26 Meadow Lakes Drive – Combs Flat Road (Prineville)
This project will start construction on Monday, January 29. Travelers will encounter shoulder closures and occasional lane closures on U.S. 26 and Claypool Street for excavation and drainage work.
More project information here.
U.S. 30: Cascade Avenue at Rand Road (Hood River)
Crews will be working on the electrical on the Northeast and Southwest corners of the intersection. This work includes digging trenches for conduit and drilling for a signal pole. Travelers will encounter lane closures on eastbound and westbound U.S. 30/3rd Street, traffic shifts into the median lane and the closure of left turns from Cascade Avenue onto Rand Road.
Temporary crosswalks and pedestrian access routes are in place to direct pedestrians through the work zone. Travelers, pedestrians and cyclists should use caution while traveling through the work zone.
Expected completion - May 2024.
More project information here.
I-84: Corbett Interchange - OR 206 Section
Travelers will encounter daytime single lane and shoulder closures on both eastbound and westbound I-84 between milepost 20.4 and milepost 22.2.
OR 140 at OR 66 Intersection Improvements
No work expected this week.
Expected completion - end of October 2023
OR 140 Brett Way Extension (South Klamath Falls Highway, MP 3.74 - 4.75)
No work expected this week.
More project information here.
Expected completion - September 2024
U.S. 97: OR 58 - California Border Project (The Dalles - California Highway, MP 252.44 - MP 278.81)
This project consists of bridge work on Link River Bridge at MP 275.03, Green Spring Bridge at MP 277.12, Klamath River Bridge at MP 278.81, and Pelican Bridge at MP 272.99.
Link River Bridge at MP 275.03:
Travel lanes have been shifted on Main Street. All bridge work will be done behind the barrier, no delays expected.
Conger Avenue and George Nurse Way are closed for thru traffic. Travelers should follow the detour in place.
OR 140 at the Green Springs Bridge at MP 227.12:
Travel lanes have been shifted. All bridge work will be done behind the barrier. No delays expected.
Klamath River Bridge at MP 278.81:
Crews will be working under the bridge. No delays expected.
Pelican Bridge at MP 272.99:
Work continues on Lakeport Boulevard under U.S. 97 Pelican Bridge. Flaggers will be in place on Lakeport Boulevard to direct traffic. Travelers should expect minor delays.
Expected completion - June 2025
More project information here.
OR 140 Klamath County Boat Marina to Lakeshore Drive Project (Western Federal Lands Division of the Federal Highway Administration project)
Project area: OR 140 between mile post 56.92 to 58.75
Beginning July 5, 2023, OR 140 will be reduced to one travel lane. Flaggers, pilot cars, and traffic signals will help direct traffic for alternating direction of travel. Drivers can expect up to a 20-minute delay.
Work is scheduled Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. At the end of each workday, the road will be opened back up to normal two-lane traffic.
More project information here.
The Dalles (Columbia River) Bridge Project (U.S. 197: WA MP 0.57 I-84: MP 100.6-U.S. 197: OR MP 0.61 I-84: MP 102.2.)
There is no work expected to be performed on the bridge. There are no speed reductions in place or any other anticipated impacts to traffic. The remaining sidewalk resurfacing work will likely need to take place in the spring due to weather. Use caution when traveling through the project area.
More project information here.
Watch a video on this project here.
 Questions or comments?
Cody Franz, community affairs coordinator
541-316-3941 or Cody.Franz@odot.oregon.gov