Bend’s latest sign of the season: Road to the summit of Pilot Butte reopens Monday morning

BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department announced Friday it will open the gate to the Pilot Butte summit road at 10 a.m. on Monday.
The summit road gate will be open 10:00 am – 9:00 pm daily, starting Monday.
“The opening was delayed by about a week while we selected a company to close the gate each night,” said Park Manger Joe Wanamaker.
“I’d like to remind drivers the summit road is shared by multiple user types, and to use extreme caution and reduced speed on the summit road,” Wanamaker added.
“Pedestrians have grown accustomed to the lack of vehicles, and they tend to walk in the road. You also never know when a bicycle will come around the corner, so again I urge drivers to please be alert, courteous, and drive slowly.”