Greater Idaho Movement puts up Salem billboards in bid to ‘Free Eastern Oregon’; two bills being introduced

SALEM, Ore. (KTVZ) - Lawmakers returning to Salem for the start of the Legislative session this week are being greeted by roadside electronic billboards encouraging them to "Free Eastern Oregon" by moving the Oregon-Idaho border. There are also bills being introduced in the Legislature to advance their cause.
The billboard campaign is the work of the Greater Idaho Movement, an organization seeking to move Oregon's border so that the conservative eastern counties of the state can become part of Idaho.
Here's the rest of their news release Thursday on the billboards and newly introduced legislation:
The messages, running on five different screens across the Salem area and I-5 corridor, are varied but all relate to the same theme of self-determination for the people of Eastern Oregon and the feeling that the wishes of the people there are not being heard or respected.
"For four years, voters in Eastern Oregon have been passing our measures telling their elected leaders they want them to pursue moving the border. The people have spoken and the Idaho Legislature has already passed a memorial supporting border talks. It's time for Oregon's Legislature to stop holding eastern Oregonians captive and let us go," said Matt McCaw, Executive Director of the movement. "This campaign is a message directly to the legislators who have the power to do that."
President of the movement Mike McCarter of La Pine added that the Legislature will have two bills they could consider, one in the House and one in the Senate.
"With bills being introduced in both chambers, the Oregon Legislature has no excuse to ignore this issue any further," McCarter said. "Eastern Oregon leaders have heard their voters and are ready to move forward on this. Western Oregon leaders need to hear them out."
McCarter referenced SJM7, a bill that was introduced to the Senate by Minority Leader Daniel Bonham on behalf of Senator Diane Linthicum. It invites the Idaho Legislature to begin border talks with the Oregon Legislature. The second bill, set to be introduced by State Representative Mark Owens, which would create a body to assess the advisability of relocating the state line.
The Greater Idaho movement began putting votes to counties in 2020 and seeks to move the Oregon/Idaho border westward so that the traditionally conservative eastern counties would join the state of Idaho, which the movement says better matches eastern Oregonian values. So far, 13 counties have passed their measures.
The group believes that moving the border would create a win-win situation for both Oregon and Idaho by better matching voters to state governance and would lower political tension across the state.
State lines can be moved through a process called an interstate compact. Earlier this month, bills were introduced in the Indiana and Iowa state legislatures seeking similar border change investigations. Border changes require the approval of both states' legislatures, as well as the US Congress.
In 2023, the Idaho House passed a Memorial resolution inviting the state of Oregon to begin border talks, and the Governor of Idaho has publicly supported border talks as well. The movement has previously reached out to the Governor of Oregon, as well as President Trump asking for support in getting border talks between the two states started.