Online Test Shows Texting-Driving Danger
All year long, we’re asking you to put your phone down and text later while you’re driving. Now we’ve got a test for you — and you don’t have to get in the car or grab your phone to take it.
An online game created by the New York Times gives you a glimpse of just how hard it is to text and drive.
We put our intern, Billy Kuder, to the test, asking him to navigate the gates, while responding to a series of texts.
At the end, a simple question: Did you see the gray lady? She’s a figure that you run over if you get distracted while texting.
“No, I didn’t, actually,” Kuder said.
Despite missing that fictitious pedestrian, Kuder actually did better than average.
If you want to take the text, just follow this link:
You can also find a link to the TXT L8R pledge on our home page at KTVZ.COM.