Caffeine, kids and classes: What’s the worry?

We all have our vices, and for many people, the sound of grinding coffee beans is also the sound of their morning ritual. But should school-aged kids be relying on caffeine to get going?
Bend registered dietitian Lori Brizee says, ‘No,’
“They’ll be tired but jittery, and they won’t concentrate as well as if they would have had a good night’s sleep and breakfast,” said Brizee.
Smoothies are the hot drink among kids ordering at Looney Bean Coffee Company in Bend. But the manager says teens and even a few of their younger clientele are after the espresso.
“We had this little boy, he was probably 10, and he and his mom would come in and he would always order a double latte and his mom would order a hot chocolate,” said Megan Mooney.
Brizee says the biggest issue with young people drinking caffeine is they’re drinking it to stay awake — but can’t fall asleep later on.
“It can have a long-term affect on sleep and long-term sleep deprivation can be really unhealthy,” said Brizee.
The nutritionist is also concerned about the sugar: One can of soda often contains as much as nine teaspoons!
Students at Mountain View High School told me the sugar in coffee and energy drinks is not an issue — but the price can be.
“They’re kind of expensive, so nobody wants to get them every day,” said sophomore Monet Miller.
Other teens say they pay, whether they buy a caffeinated drink or not.
Miller told me what happens when she doesn’t get her fix.
“I’m really grumpy, and I get this headache thing going on and I can’t really focus on anything,” said Miller.
Miller is not alone — those withdrawals are exactly what worry Brizee.
“I wish energy drinks weren’t even on the market,” she said.
Brizee says it’s hard to quit caffeine cold turkey. She suggested starting by making your coffee half decaf or drinking tea. She also pointed out that a lot of the time for kids, it’s not the caffeine they’re after but the sugar.