Bend to tackle overgrown medians

Over the past four years, hundreds of volunteers have stepped up to help maintain landscaping in Bend’s public rights of way. Now, Bend is going to tackle some of the worst medians, to make them not just look better but easier to maintain, officials said Wednesday.
“The city appreciates (the volunteers’) continuing efforts to keep Bend a beautiful place,” the news release said.
Where practical, the city also utilizes the Deschutes County inmate crews to weed and prune medians annually.
“Even with these efforts, several high maintenance medians have deteriorated into very poor condition,” the city said
With the upcoming Median Rehabilitation Project, the city has committed to rehabilitating those medians that are in the worst condition.
The planned work will focus on efforts that reduce long-term maintenance requirements; use native, drought tolerant plants and fire retardant mulch; and restore aesthetics. The cost of the project is $45,924.
Work in the medians will begin November 5 and continue through the month. Signage and personnel will be in place to help control traffic. Please proceed through work zones with caution. Travelers should expect delays and use alternate routes.
Project dates are estimates based on favorable conditions; variances may occur due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
Rehabilitation projects will include medians on Franklin Avenue at Bond Street, Century Drive and Chandler Avenue, Olney Avenue, Reed Market Road, and 27thStreet.
Springtime Landscape and Irrigation is the project contractor. Typical working hours are weekdays from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Lane rerouting and lane closures will be used. Alternate routes are suggested to avoid the construction areas. For project updates, maps and a link to the TripCheck Local smartphone app please visit