Bend UGB panel to hear committee recommendations
The Steering Committee for the City’s Urban Growth Boundary Remand project will meet from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, March 19 at Bend City Hall. The public is invited to attend the meeting and will have an opportunity to comment.
The UGB Steering Committee will review and act on recommendations from the project’s Technical Advisory Committees (TACs) from the first phase of the project. The recommendations include:
Strategies for efficient use of Bend’s remaining land within the current UGB
The estimated capacity for future growth on those lands, and
The proposed process for evaluating UGB expansion scenarios during the second phase of the project.
The three project TACs are comprised of approximately 60 citizens who have been working since August of 2014 to help shape Bend’s future growth. The Urban Growth Boundary is a line on the City’s General Plan map that identifies Bend’s urban land. State law requires that this land contain an estimated 20-year supply of land for employment, housing and other urban uses.
The Steering Committee meeting will include presentations by the project team and comments from members of the three project TACs. The UGB Steering Committee will decide whether to approve and/or refine the TAC recommendations, which will be the basis for further analysis in the next phase of the study.
More information about the meetings and the project is available on the City’s UGB Website: