Bubble Soccer craze rolls into High Desert
When looking to take advantage of the sun-filled days, you might want to check out a new way of exercising, while also taking out some aggression: bubble soccer.
It can be described as “bumper cars meets field day,” says Bend Bubble Soccer owner Kim Birchfield/
Bubble soccer is the latest craze to roll into Central Oregon and Birchfield says the party scene needed a little kick.
“Bend needs this,” Birchfield said Wednesday.
The idea came from a friend in Portland at a time when Birchfield was looking for a business opportunity for the whole family.
“I wanted something where I could be with my kids while I was working, if that was at all possible,” Birchfield said.
The game is suitable for ages 7 and up, with different-size bubbles for everyone.
“I love watching adults just act like children,” Birchfield said.
She describes getting into the bubble as a combination of a backpack and a jet pack.
Even for the average claustrophobic, the bubble is a fun time.
“It’s like an apple core on the inside, so it’s completely aired out,” Birchfield said.
At first, it feels weird, but you get confident quickly!
“Whether you are playing or just watching it, people are doubled over laughing,” Birchfield said.
You’ll laugh, you’ll get confident — and you’ll probably get hit. But the built-in cushion limits the risk.
“It’s actually safer than regular soccer,” Birchfield said.
For $350, you can play for one hour with up to 20 players.
Visit www.bendbubblesoccer.com for more information.