Three-way stop to stay at Brookswood-Baker intersection
During recent construction of the Brookswood Boulevard/Murphy Road roundabout project, the nearby intersection of Brookswood and Baker Road was converted to an interim three-way stop to accommodate construction detour traffic.
The Deschutes County Road Department said Wednesday it “has evaluated operations upon normalization of traffic volumes at the conclusion of the project and determined that the three-way stop will remain in place.”
The department utilized criteria established by the Federal Highway Administration’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, or MUTCD, to evaluate whether or not a three-way stop is the appropriate traffic control for the intersection.
The MUTCD criterion considers traffic volumes, distribution of traffic on the intersection approaches, as well as vehicle approach speeds.
Deschutes County requested that drivers exercise caution in navigating the intersection as motorists continue to adjust to the change in traffic control.
For more information, please contact the Deschutes County Road Department at 541-388-6581 ( or Chris Doty, Deschutes County Road Department Director, 541-322-7105,