BLM seeks comments on Lower Deschutes boater changes
The Bureau of Land Management Prineville District Office will be accepting comments proposed improvements to the recreational experience in Segment 3 (Buck Hollow to Macks Canyon) on the Lower Deschutes River.
Comments can be mailed, emailed or faxed and must be postmarked or received by February 1, 2016.
The Segment 3 Environmental Assessment (EA) was developed to address increasing conflicts stemming from boaters in Segment 2 extending day trips into Segment 3, and the impacts this trip extension had on available daily permits.
The EA considers several options including dividing Segment 3 into 2 segments, or moving the boundary of Segment 3 from Buck Hollow downriver to Pine Tree, and analyzes the expected effects of these actions.
The Segment 3 EA (DOI-BLM-ORWA-P000-2013-0039-EA) is available at office/eplanning/nepa/ Comments should have the words “Attn: Segment 3 EA” on the envelope if the comment is mailed, or in the subject line if the comment is emailed to Specific comments are most helpful. We also appreciate comments related to errors in our analysis and whether you believe additional research is needed for different effects.
Be aware that your entire comment, including your personal identifying information may be made publicly available at any time. While you may request that personal identifying information be withheld from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
To request a copy or for questions about this project, please contact Heidi Mottl or Patrick Kollodge, project leads, at (541) 416-6700. For information about the Prineville District BLM, visit our website at