Bend 2030 to hold ‘Envision OSU-Cascades’ workshops

Bend 2030 will host four workshops in April offering community members a chance to envision the future of Oregon State University – Cascades’ new campus and to provide input on the university’s long-range development plan.
What ideas do you have for the new campus? Come and share them at these interactive and informative workshops. Participants will view preliminary campus models and plans, use clickers to weigh in on big questions, ask questions of OSU-Cascades planning team and offer insights for making this campus the best it can be.
Each workshop will be hosted in a different quadrant of Bend—northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest—at locally owned pubs or restaurants. These convenient and casual workshops are designed to be fun, with many different methods for community members to provide feedback on campus design, as well as free appetizers and in most locations, a no-host bar.
“We’re partnering with OSU-Cascades to present these interactive visioning workshops because everyone in our community has a stake in the development of this campus,”said Bend 2030 Executive Director Erin Foote Marlowe.”Community members will have a chance through these events not only to learn about the campus but to actively take part in its creation.”
Input from the workshops will be shared with OSU-Cascades in a report later this spring. The report and other community feedback will be considered by the architectural design team. The input will assist the design team in planning a university campus that reflects the values and needs of the Central Oregon community, and also reflects the institution’s academic, research and community service priorities.
“As we plan for the new campus, community input is a major element of the process,”said Kelly Sparks, associated vice president for finance and strategic planning at OSU-Cascades.”Over the next 18 months public feedback, input from other stakeholder groups, and research findings will help us design a university that provides teaching and research excellence, and is increasingly a major contributor to the Central Oregon community.”
Funding for Bend 2030is provided by the generous support of the Leadership Alliance of Bend 2030, including BendBroadband, Bend Park and Recreation District, Brooks Resources, Central Oregon Community College, the City of Bend, NorthWest Crossing, Oregon State University – Cascades, St. Charles Health System, The Tykeson Family Foundation, U.S. Forest Service, and William Smith Properties.
Envision OSU-Cascades Event Detail
Wednesday, April 13
5-7:30 p.m.
Riverbend Brewing
2650 NE Division St.
Thursday, April 14
5-7:30 p.m.
Broken Top Bottle Shop
1740 NW Pence Lane
Tuesday, April 19
5-7:30 p.m.
Jake’s Truck Stop
2210 NE Highway 20
Wednesday, April 20
5-7:30 p.m.
La Rosa
Brookswood Plaza, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr.