Suspicious man prompts brief Mtn. View HS lockout

Bend’s Mountain View High School was placed on lockdown, then lockout for several minutes Friday afternoon as police searched for and talked with a suspicious man seen on campus, officials said.
In a letter to parents, school officials said the school went into lockdown around 12:45 p.m. after “students reported an adult male on campus who attracted suspicion.”
The staff said four Bend police officers already were on the campus and began searching for the man.
“Within minutes, the police contacted him off school grounds and detained him for questioning,” the letter said. “The lockdown lasted until law enforcement deemed the situation safe.”
“Students and staff did a great job implementing our school safety procedures,” the administrators’ letter added, nothing that Mountain View staged a lockdown drill just last month,
Bend police said the man was not arrested but could not provide more details, citing medical confidentiality laws.