Haugen named Bend-La Pine Teacher of the Year
Bend-La Pine Schools is celebrating its more than 900 certified employees this week during National Teacher Appreciation Week, May 8 -12. Certified staff members serve as classroom teachers as well as school nurses, school psychologists, counselors and more.
School and parent groups celebrate this week through a variety of ways, including hand-written notes, flowers, lunches and other thoughtful gestures. Bend-La Pine Schools’ Board of Directors will also note this week and offer its appreciation of teachers with a declaration during its meeting Tuesday evening.
“Our teachers and certified staff members are the backbone of our schools. We are proud to be home to so many outstanding staff members who care deeply for students and work to ensure our students have all the tools they need to be successful,” said Superintendent Shay Mikalson.
Every year, Bend-La Pine Schools honors one certified staff members for his or her outstanding performance.
This year, Matea Haugen, math teacher from Cascade Middle School, was named Teacher of the Year for Bend-La Pine Schools.
Other certified employees who were honored for their outstanding work include: Carrie Baisch, a Language Arts teacher at La Pine Middle School; Tim Burdsall, student services coordinator at Elk Meadow Elementary School; Jen Goodman, a special education teacher at Tamarack; and Nole Kennedy, a math teacher at High Desert Middle School; Donna Layne, a teacher librarian at Mountain View High School; and Rebecca Morales, an English Language Learner teacher at Buckingham Elementary School and Sky View Middle School.