Bend man charged with DUII in rollover crash

A 26-year-old Bend man was arrested on a DUII charge and taken to the hospital early Monday after a rollover crash into a rock embankment along the Old Bend-Redmond Highway, Deschutes County sheriff’s deputies said.
Deputies were dispatched around 3 a.m. to the reported crash in the area of the Old Bend-Redmond Highway and Jonathon Court, said sheriff’s Lt. Ty Rupert.
Arriving deputies found the black 2003 Mitsubishi Gallant on its roof along the road’s northbound shoulder, Rupert said. The driver, identified as John Jay Lewis Jr., was alone in the car and already had climbed out and was standing on the shoulder of the road, he added.
An investigation found that Lewis was heading north when he left the road, driving about 50 yards on the northbound shoulder. Rupert said the car sideswiped a juniper tree, crashed head-on into a rock embankment and flipped over, coming to rest on its roof.
Rupert said investigators determined Lewis, heading home from downtown Bend at the time of the crash, was under the influence of intoxicants.
Lewis was arrested on a DUII charge and taken by the deputy to St. Charles Bend for evaluation, the lieutenant said. He was cited in lieu of custody and released at the hospital.
The crash and investigation closed the Old Bend-Redmond Highway for about 40 minutes.