Redmond unveils plan to update city parks
The city of Redmond is looking to get input from the public as it unveils its new parks plan.
The Parks Master Plan will be in effect for the next 20 years, according to Parks Division Manger Annie McVay.
The plan accounts for the city’s growth and demand for more parks around Redmond.
The Parks Division has already heard from the public that they would like more ball fields, bike parks and hiking trails.
Redmond also looks to place a park within a half a mile of every home, which leads to a lot of maintenance needing to be done all over the city.
Quince and Bowlby parks will be up first, McVay said Monday.
The city plans to update a park every other year, under the new parks plan.
The money that funds the parks come from the city’s general fund, as well as from system development charges collected from builders.
Here is a link to Redmond’s Parks Master Plan: