Taxpayer advocate highlight’s Oregon’s Taxpayer Bill of Rights
SALEM, Ore. (KTVZ) -- In anticipation of the 2023 tax season early next year, Oregon’s Taxpayer Advocate and the Department of Revenue have launched a new effort to remind Oregon taxpayers of their rights under the law.
The Oregon Legislature created the Taxpayer Bill of Rights in state law more than 30 years ago, but many taxpayers just don’t know what their rights are, said Codi Trudell, who was appointed the state’s first Taxpayer Advocate in January.
“Taxpayer rights are a key foundation to a successful voluntary compliant tax system,” Trudell said. “If taxpayers don’t know their rights, how can they claim them?”
While the rights themselves have not changed, taxpayers can now visit a webpage dedicated to providing an easy-to-understand summary of taxpayer rights. The agency has also posted a new, easier to understand version of the document Your Rights as an Oregon Taxpayer, 150-800-406.
“At the Department of Revenue, we are working to create an environment that builds trust and assures taxpayers they are treated fairly and well,” she said. “If taxpayers understand and know they have rights when working with the department, they can avail themselves of those rights when they need them and feel like they are being respected for voluntarily complying with the tax laws.”
The new webpage has been translated into five languages: Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese, and Russian. Visitors to the site will find they can access these translated materials by clicking on links. This is in addition to the Google translate features available for all DOR webpages.
Taxpayers will also find resources on how to appeal and how to contact the agency for assistance should they have questions on any of these rights.
In addition to the website, the agency has begun a social media campaign highlighting the Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
Helping taxpayers understand their rights and put those rights into practice navigating the tax system is part of the purpose of the Office of the Taxpayer Advocate, which was created by the Legislature in 2021.
The taxpayer advocate is an independent office that enhances the department’s services to taxpayers. It provides both a voice and resource for taxpayers.
“As Oregon’s Taxpayer Advocate, my hope is that with this new approach both department staff and Oregon taxpayers will grow more familiar with and better understand taxpayer rights and agency responsibilities through this new approach,”
Trudell said.
Visit to get tax forms, check the status of your refund, or make tax payments; call 800-356-4222 toll-free from an Oregon prefix (English or Spanish); 503-378-4988 in Salem and outside Oregon; or email For TTY (hearing or speech impaired), call 800-886-7204.