Local Alert Weather, Tue. AM, 3.27.18

Good Tuesday Morning, Everyone…
A modest ridge of high pressure centered well off shore has made a slight advance on the Pacific NW. The will help to give us some partial clearing today and modestly warmer temps. Highs will be in the low to mid 50’s and southerly breezes will pick up to 5-15 mph.
A few extra clouds will press in tonight, but we are expecting to stay dry. Under mostly cloudy skies overnight lows will be in the low to mid 30’s. Gentle westerly breezes this evening will become light and variable by morning.
As that center of high pressure eases its way toward the west coast our conditions will gradually improve. We will see plenty of sunshine and a variable cloud cover for a few days. Highs will warm into the low 60’s Thursday and Friday. Look for a nice, mild weekend to follow. Highs will be bouncing around our average of 57 degrees and breezes will be mild.