Unity Community of C.O. sets sacred ceremony to begin building labyrinth

BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- What was once a casual idea to one day create a labyrinth is happening this Saturday at 9 a.m., as Unity Community of Central Oregon begins the process of constructing its labyrinth with a sacred ceremony.
At the beginning of quarantine, Unity of Central Oregon was fortunate to immediately transition to a virtual Sunday service, and has added in many virtual classes and gatherings since March to help sustain the community during these challenging times under the leadership of Reverend Jane Hiatt.
Additionally, while safely distancing, much work has been done on the creation of a community garden on the land owned by Unity, located at 63645 Scenic Road, off Cooley Road and Highway 20.
The designer and dowser of the labyrinth is LEN Meserve, who, like so many involved in the project, has gifted his time and talent and luminous spiritual energy.
This project has also required many hours of weeding, planning and preparation, and there have been many generous hands involved from among the active membership of Unity. The labyrinth ceremony and building will honor social distancing, and masks are required to attend.
“We are living in a potent time,” says Lisè Gottwald, project lead, “and the timing of creating this vortex of energy, to assist the light and healing energy deeply needed in ourselves, our friends and families, community, country and world is certainly divinely inspired. In the creation of sacred space, we know that every action, every word, all materials and methods are prayers for the greater good of all. We each bring the blessing of our presence and charge the space with intention. “
In the ceremonial circle, Gottwald will open with acknowledging the Ancestors and Indigenous Peoples of this land, call in the energies of the Directions and speak an opening prayer. Those who have drums, rattles, flutes and any other instruments are invited to bring them. There will be an altar in the center of the opening circle open for individuals to contribute a sacred object to leave or bring home with them.
Unity Community doesn’t believe in coincidences, so it’s no surprise that its labyrinth creation is happening during the second Harmonic Convergence, a synchronized global event.
The first Harmonic Convergence was 33 years ago on August 16, 1987, based on the teachings of the ancient Mayan calendar with the goal of creating greater harmony and coherence within the global community.
Long before the Internet, smart phones, and social media, the Harmonic Convergence was the first globally synchronized event of this nature with people gathered across the planet at well-known sites ranging from Stonehenge and Mt. Shasta to Central Park. The Harmonic Convergence 2020 will rekindle this spirit of shared humanity, global unity, peace, and inspired collective action, and will also invite the support of Star Family energies. To learn more about this, go here.
No RSVPS are required for Saturday, but attendees are asked to wear a mask and bring:
- Water and Snack
- Hat, Gloves, Shovel
- Altar object to charge the space, if desired
- Instruments to play
- Special stones and crystals to embed in the structure of the labyrinth.
Those who attend are invited to help with assorted projects around the property that adjoins the labyrinth. Community members may also hold energetic space and pray from home. Once completed, the labyrinth will become a community resource and will be open to the public during daylight hours. For more information about Unity Community of Central Oregon’s programs and services, go to www.unitycentraloregon.org.
Building the Energy: Preceding Class
Seasoned drum maker and meditation teacher, Tarika Lea, is leading a class on reflective drum meditation, featuring an exploration of the labyrinth. The benefit of walking the Labyrinth is revealed through one’s own direct experience! Labyrinths appeared mysteriously in several locations on our planet over 3,500 years ago, and the science of this symbol is still baffling with regard to why walking the pathways of the Labyrinth can be so transformative. The class is to motivate you in using the Labyrinth as a tool of deep reflection and integration on your life’s journey to wholeness.
Topic: Using the Labyrinth - Deepen Your Meditation Practice
Time: 6:30 PM - 8PM PST, July 8, 2020 and 11 AM - 12:30PM PST July 15, 2020
Zoom Meeting link.
Unity Community of Central Oregon is a New Thought community that gathers to understand and acknowledge, in an open-hearted way, the nameless light and power that animates everything. We offer practical spiritual teachings and a commitment to kindness in a welcoming and inclusive community, actively embracing people of every race, ethnicity, faith, culture, ability level, and sexual identity/orientation. The foundation of Unity is nondogmatic and accepting of people’s spiritual paths with a mission to embody love and awaken spiritual consciousness. www.unitycentraloregon.org