Swim lessons return in August at Bend’s Juniper Swim & Fitness Center

BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- August will bring back swim lessons at Juniper Swim & Fitness Center. The popular programs have been on hiatus since mid-March and will resume, beginning Saturday, August 1. For ages ranging from infants to 12 years old, the swim lessons include modifications to ensure distancing and other COVID-19 related requirements.
Registration opens at 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, July 29 online at https://register.bendparksandrec.org/ or by phone at (541) 389-7275. With classes varying from once per week to up to 5 consecutive days of the same week, there are options to meet a family’s needs in August, in either the indoor or outdoor pool.
With the exception of the highest level of swim lessons being offered, all sessions will require a parent/caregiver to be in the water with the swimmer during the lessons. In-water support for a child can be a parent/guardian or sibling 14 years of age or older. It is strongly preferred for the same person to provide in-water support for all lessons of the session.
“We’re excited to get back to offering swim lessons and helping children gain important life-long water skills,” said Shannon Gilman, aquatics coordinator for the Bend Park and Recreation District. “Requiring a parent or guardian in the water with the swim lesson participant will greatly enhance our ability to teach from a distance, so cooperation is much appreciated with this new step.”
Instructors will lead lessons from the pool deck with swim participants in pairs or small groups maintaining distancing from each other in the water.
Swimmers and parent/caregivers will not be required to wear face coverings while in the pool; however, face coverings are required when arriving and departing the facility. When checking in for a registered program, swim lesson participants will be asked COVID-19 screening questions.
Locker rooms are not be available, except for bathroom use and hand-washing, so:
- Shower before arriving. This helps keep the water clean and safe for everyone.
- Come ready to swim wearing swimsuit under clothes. There are no changing rooms available.
- Be prepared to leave without changing clothes.
For more information, visit the swim lessons webpage.
Family swim times are also available by reservation, as well as fitness classes, water exercise and lap swim. For times/dates and to make a reservation, visit bendparksandrec.org/juniperreservations. Reservations may be made up to 7 days in advance and remain open until 15 minutes prior to session start time – based on availability.