NeighborImpact Weatherization Program accepting applications

BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- NeighborImpact’s Weatherization Program is accepting applications from residents of Crook, Deschutes and Jefferson counties and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs to help lower energy costs and increase the durability of their homes.
The Weatherization Program provides free services to income-qualified renters or homeowners living in manufactured and stick-built homes. The program is currently scheduling home energy audits for qualified applicants.
Apply today and have a more comfortable, energy-efficient home by winter. Services provided include insulation for floors, ceilings and walls; air sealing and duct sealing, and assessments and replacing of heating, cooling and water systems as needed.
The Weatherization Program typically serves 100 low-income households a year. Clients benefit not only by saving on energy costs but also by improving the comfort, condition and livability of their homes.
Income limits, guidelines and applications can all be found on our website at: