NRA schools proposal divides High Desert

So what do you think of the National Rifle Association’s proposal Friday to have an armed guard in every school in the country? NewsChannel 21 hit the streets to find out.
It’s such a controversial topic that we had a hard time finding people willing to talk to us on camera. But we did find a few in the community — and the opinions were split.
About half said they thought an idea of armed guards at each school was smart, a great idea and just what we need to protect our children.
The other half said it was ridiculous, not a good idea and doesn’t solve the problem.
“I was a little nervous today because of all the threats going on,” said Bend parent Melissa Crossno.”I can’t let them live in fear. I can’t live in fear, so I can’t let them live in fear.”
Crossno has two kids in high school.
She shares a sentiment many parents have trained their minds on since a gunman opened fire at a Connecticut elementary school a week ago.
“It was horrible, it was awful,” Crossno said. “I can’t even imagine what those parents are going through right now.”
Crossno is in favor of the NRA’s idea of having armed guards at schools for her kids’ safety. And she’s not alone in liking the idea.
“I read a post that there’s veterans out there that would like to help out, and I just think it’s a smart idea,” said Kaylee Vincent.
“It’s a good idea but I think its going to be tough to get all the resources to cover all the areas of the school,” said Bend resident John Blaser.
Blaser is expecting a child next year, and says it might be challenging to have guards at all schools.
“It would make me a little bit more secure,” Blaser said. “But if something is going to happen, unfortunately, unless a security guard is really armed the way these individuals are coming into a school, I think it’s going to be tough to stop.”
But Jennifer Lacrosse said, “More guns is not the answer. I just really think they should just lock the schools down.”
“I think it’s pretty ridiculous, that I can’t ever see having more guns at schools,” said Sisters parent Meredith Hoyt. “I think we need added resource officers, but that’s an issue of budget cuts, which is unfortunate.”
We asked Blaser what he thought was the best way to keep our kids safe? His answer: “That’s a tough call. I mean, if I knew, I would predict the lottery too.”
Can Oregon teachers arm themselves legally in the classroom?
If a teacher has a concealed handgun license here in the state, the answer is yes — with a but.
Each school district has its own policy regarding firearms, so they might violate those rules, unless they are changed.