MBSEF has $25 Mt. Bachelor vouchers
The Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation is pleased to announce that they have $25 Mt. Bachelor lift ticket/vouchers that can be used January 7-11 and January 14-18 at the Mt. Bachelor Ski Area.
This is part of the Annual Charity Ski Week program at Mt. Bachelor where they will donate 100% of the proceeds back to MBSEF.
MBSEF appreciates the generous support of Mt. Bachelor to be included as a recipient of the Mt. Bachelor Charity Weeks.
If you plan on skiing in the next two weeks, please email molly@mbsef.org or call 541-388-0002 to reserve your vouchers. Once you pick them up from the MBSEF office, you will redeem the vouchers at a ticket window and pay the $25 to Mt. Bachelor.
The Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation’s mission is to be the Northwest’s leading sports training organization providing the positive values of competitive sports including Alpine and Nordic Skiing, Snowboarding and Cycling.