ODFW photo contest spotlights hunting, fishing

Oregon hunters and anglers with an eye for photography could win one of four $100 gift certificates in a photo contest sponsored by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.
The contest is designed to showcase the wide range of fishing and hunting opportunities across the state. The photos will become part of the ODFW photo library to be used in its print, web and social media products.
“We’re trying to make more people aware of Oregon’s tremendous hunting and fishing opportunities as well as our ODFW Outdoors Facebook page, which is a great source of information about ODFW classes and workshops, plus tips, tools and tactics for hunting and fishing,” said Chris Willard, ODFW recruitment and retention coordinator.
Photos can be submitted through the ODFW Outdoors Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/odfwoutdoors?ref=stream. The winners in each of four categories – youth hunting, youth fishing, family/adult hunting and family/adult fishing – will receive a $100 gift certificate to Cabelas. The contest ends Feb. 1, 2013.
Willard said the agency is specifically looking for photos of people enjoying hunting or fishing in Oregon – either in the process of hunting or fishing, or showing off their harvest.
All photos will be posted on the ODFW Outdoors FB page and viewers are invited to vote for their favorites. The winning photos will be those with the largest number of votes. Winners will be announced at the 2013 NW Sportsman Show Feb. 6-10.