Registration open for S. County Girl’s Summit
The seventh annual South County Girl’s Summit promises a day of free fun and exciting activities for young women in Middle School through High School on Monday, March 25.
The goal of the event is to empower young women in South County with activities that are positive in nature, healthy, and are easily available in their home setting. An additional goal is to mentor young women through adult females in their community.
The day of activities will start with a fun, “getting to know you” kick-off event. Throughout the day Summit attendees will enjoy gift giveaways, snacks and a free lunch. There is no charge for the event.
Registration is required to attend the South County Girl’s Summit. The Summit will be held Monday, March 25 from 8:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at La Pine High School, 51633 Coach Road in La Pine.
Some of the session choices provided at the Girl’s Summit by local experts and businesses are:
Scrap booking 101
African Drumming – Learn to hold a beat Yoga and writing – Presented by Global Shine
Archery – Learn the basics “Lets have a conversation about bullying”
Nail art
Safe Dating – Abuse prevention
…and much more!
The Girl’s Summit is sponsored by Think Again Parents (TAPs) Substance Abuse Prevention Team of South County; the Deschutes County Juvenile Community Justice Department with support from La Pine Park and Recreation.
For more information or to register for this event, please contact Deschutes County Juvenile Community Justice Officer Mary Fleischmann at (541) 536-5002