Prineville officer joins fundraising effort for sick boy

The Prineville boy who suffers from a rare form of epilepsy that causes him to have silent, brain-damaging seizures has received and outpouring of support from his community.
Five year old Stryder Doescher suffers from Landau-Kleffner Syndrome and several other medical conditions. Last month, the family began raising funds for a specially trained dog that would alert his parents before the seizures happen so they can get him help.
One part of our story that aired in January caught the attention of a Prineville police officer.
“The little kid basically touched my heart,” said Sgt. Ray Cuellar.
He says seeing the boy suffer and in need of help, it reminded him of his own children and grandchildren. Now he has decided to lend a hand to a boy he’s never met before.
“It was really cool — we got to meet him take pictures with him, and the kid is just fantastic. He has a smile that just won’t quit,” said Cuellar.
Last week, the department held a Tip-a-Cop fundraiser at Barney Prine’s Steakhouse in Prineville. The officers and dispatchers were able to raise $800, making a small dent in the $13,000 needed for the seizure sniffing dog.
“He loves police cars,” said Cuellar. “He brought his police car — it was really cute, he brought his police car to the Tip-a-Cop.”
For Cuellar, seeing Stryder’s smile and watching his his community come together is something he will never forget.
“Truly neat to see the community come together to help this little guy out. It just brings a lot of joy to my heart,” said Cuellar.
Prineville police will hold a second fundraiser Wednesday night at Barney Prine’s Steakhouse. The event begins at 5 p.m. and will go till 8 p.m.
If you like to learn more about Stryder’s cause Click Here