Central Oregonians ring bells for climate change
Dozens of Central Oregonians concerned about climate change rang bells and held up signs along the streets of downtown Bend on Sunday.
The march coincided with a national rally in Washington D.C. and other similar events around the country.
The citizens in Sunday’s rally said they consider climate change the most important issue of our day, and they say everybody should be concerned.
Members from a variety of environmental groups marched along Wall and Bond streets, ringing their bells. The sound was meant for those to stop, think and act on climate change.
They cited many different threats to our climate in our state, including coal exports and a proposed water bottling plant in the Columbia River Gorge.
They say they know they face some opposition from those who don’t buy into global warming, especially that man has caused it.
“It doesn’t really matter if you decide who’s responsible. The important thing is to have something happen,so that we can preserve our Earth, preserve our climate, preserve God’s creation,” said Thiel Larson, the Bend event organizer. “We’re hoping to get people involved and active and talking to their legislators and changing the way we are doing business.”
Larson is a part of a “green team” at her church. She works with different groups and churches in our community to help people understand the severity of the crisis.
Larson says she hopes more people in the community will join in the effort.