CO Irrigation District FFA teaching kids canal safety
Central Oregon Irrigation District with the help of the Redmond FFA Members will present “Otto the Otter: Canal Safety”, to 2 nd grade classrooms in the Redmond and Powell Butte areas April 29 th – May 10.
Central Oregon Irrigation District is proud to bring “Otto the Otter: Canal Safety” to Local 2 nd Grade classrooms.
The Redmond FFA members will be assisting with the presentations as a community service project. It is a 30-minute presentation that features a movie staring Otto the Otter and the importance of canal safety. Each participant will also receive a coloring book sponsored by the Bureau of Reclamation.
As spring is upon us and with summer approaching the water in the canals is a temptation to people, especially children.
This program educates children in the local area the importance of staying out of and away from the canals. It highlights the risks and dangers in and around the canals.
The children are encouraged to always have an adult supervise or have their permission and play in waters that are safe such as pools, sprinklers and designated swim areas at the lakes. We want children to have a safe and fun summer!