Healthy Beginnings honors ‘Champions for Children’
The Champion for Children Luncheon was held Wednesday at St. Charles Medical Center in Bend. The event is a fundraiser/friend-raiser for Healthy Beginnings and its 12 Point Kid Inspections.
An important component of the Luncheon is to recognize a local Champion for Children. There was a slate of 10 worthy nominees recognized at the luncheon, with the award going to Dr. Peter Boehm, distinguished Central Oregon Pediatrician and early child advocate.
The luncheon was attended by over 200 community members. Guest speakers included Jane Squires, PhD and Oregon’s First Lady, Cylvia Hayes.
Healthy Beginnings, a nonprofit organization unique to Oregon, provides health and development screening clinics for community children in the areas of: vision, hearing, speech and language, motor skills, concepts, infant/toddler development, health, dental, behavior, nutrition and car seat safety.
The screening is offered free to all children of Central Oregon age birth through five with education and resources offered for the entire family.
If you are interested in learning more about Healthy Beginnings, a 21 Cares for Kids partner, and its services to children and families visit their website at or call 514-383-6357.
The program is supported through community donations and volunteer efforts, additional community support is always needed.