Bend PD pedestrian ‘sting’: 30 citations, 11 warnings
The Bend Police Department conducted a pedestrian safety detail on Tuesday at Amity Creek Magnet School at 437 NW Wall Street, issuing 30 citations and 11 written warnings.
When violations occur in a posted school zones, during the enforceable hours, fines are substantially increased. The Bend Police Department strongly encourages drivers to buckle up, put your cell phones down, and slow down, especially in school zones. Children can be unpredictable and enter roadways unexpectedly.
The results of the operation were as follows:
Fail to Yield to a Pedestrian: 8 citations & 3 written warnings
Cell Phone Use: 8 citations & 2 written warning
Fail/improper use Safety Belt: 5 citations & 2 written warnings
Other infractions: 9 citations & 4 written warnings
One vehicle was impounded.
Total Citations: 30
Total written warnings: 11
Funding for this operation is made possible through a grant from Oregon Walks and Oregon Department of Transportation. For additional information, please contact Lieutenant Chris Carney at the Bend Police Department at 541-322-2978.