Deschutes assessor offers tax-bill explanations
If you own property in Deschutes County, you’re familiar with recent real estate market value “ups-and-downs” during the last few years.
Deschutes County Assessor, Scot Langton, wants to prepare you for an interesting combination of Measure 50 consequences, market fluctuation and economic circumstance coming this fall. He’s offering to speak to local groups about what this fall’s tax bills are likely to show.
When property tax statements are mailed in October, some Deschutes County homeowners may be a little surprised when they look at their tax bill.
The county has come up with an easy way for you to review your own tax situation in a graphic way. A new video called “Graph It!” has been produced to help you understand how Oregon’s voter approved Measure 50 impacts your property. Spread the word, and feel free to forward the links below to your friends and family who own property in Deschutes County. It’s important for everyone to be informed.
Visit the Deschutes County “Graph It!” website at . Still have questions? Arrange for the county assessor to speak to your group.