City of Redmond offers snow removal update
City of Redmond Public Works Department crews have been working around the clock since Friday afternoon to clear city streets of the recent snowfall. By the end of the business day Monday, officials said, all city streets will have been plowed at least once.
Here’s the rest of Redmond’s snow removal update.
Residents can expect continued clearing efforts and sanding as conditions dictate. City officials would like to thank residents and business owners for their continued efforts in helping keep sidewalks clear and passable.
As the weather begins to warm and the snow quickly melts the City of Redmond Public Works Department crews will turn their focus to clearing storm drains.
“It would be very helpful if residents can be mindful of the need to keep storm drains clear”, states Director of Public Works, Bill Duerden. “Storm drains are the pathway for melting snow. Keeping them unclogged will help reduce flooding and potential property damage.”
The following are a few safety tips to help crews keep roads clear of snow and safe for drivers and pedestrians during large snowfall events:
Keep children informed about winter road safety. Avoid digging tunnels near roads or in snow banks, as cars and snowplows can come by at any moment. Because of the high snow banks, a driver’s visibility is reduced.
Walk on sidewalks if possible. If this is not possible, walk against traffic on the side of the road. Wear reflective clothes at night.
Remove any ornaments or decorations placed near the street, as they could be damaged by snow removal activities.
During a storm, the City requests that vehicles not park on City streets so that snow removal operations can be as effective as possible.