Tree slams onto car on SW Oregon highway
A G r ants Pass woman suffered non-life-threatening injuries Saturday when high winds sent a 40-foot pine tree smashing onto her car on Highway 230 in southeast Douglas County, narrowly missing the windshield, Oregon State Police said
Acco r ding to Senio r T r oope r Joe Smith, shortly before 11 a.m., a ca r d r iven by Kristen Daniels, 42, was westbound on Highway 230 nea r milepost 12 when high winds blew the t r ee, estimated at 40 feet tall and 10 inches in diamete r , down onto the hood of he r ca r, just missing smashing the windshield.
The impact b r oke the t r ee and caused Daniels to lose cont r ol as he r ca r spun ac r oss the eastbound lane and c r ashed head-on into anothe r pine t r ee off the highway, Smith said.
Daniels received non-life-th r eatening inju r ies and was taken by Chemult EMS ambulance to P r ovidence Medical Cente r in Medfo r d. She was using safety r est r aints and the ca r ‘s ai r bags deployed.
OSP and ODOT u r ge d r ive r s to use caution when t r aveling on highways in fo r ested a r eas du r ing windy conditions and be ale r t fo r wind-caused fallen t r ees and deb r is.