ODOT: No studded-tires extension this year
ODOT has a message for motorists still driving around with studded tires in Oregon — don’t expect the March 31 removal deadline to be extended this year.
“Please remove your studded tires by the end of the day Tuesday, March 31,” the agency said Friday.
“Given current weather forecasts, ODOT does not plan to extend the Oregon studded tire season. The Washington State Department of Transportation announced the same deadline yesterday (Thursday).
As always, “ODOT encourages you to consider other types of traction tires or chains.”
“A study completed in 2014 concluded studded tires cause about $8.5 million in damage each year on state highways,” they said. “Other types of traction tires are available.
“These traction tires meet Rubber Manufacturers Association standards for use in severe snow conditions and carry a special symbol on the tire sidewall showing a three-peaked mountain and snowflake. Research shows these tires provide better traction than studded tires when used on bare pavement.
Know Before You Go: If you must travel when weather conditions present difficulties, use other types of traction tires or chains, or postpone your travel until conditions change for the better. Please visit www.TripCheck.com or call 511 for the latest road conditions. ODOT provides bad-weather driving tips and how-to videos online: http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/COMM/pages/winterdriving.aspx.