NeighborImpact seeking Head Start students
Recruitment efforts for Head Start are already underway for next school year, as NeighborImpact celebrates the 50 th anniversary of Head Start and the 20 th anniversary of the Oregon Head Start Association.
Since the summer of 1965, more than 31 million children have benefitted from Head Start’s comprehensive services. The program provides a broad range of services in addition to classroom education. Health, nutrition, and family support services are complemented by a vast array of NeighborImpact programs, which support families in all areas of their lives.
“Head Start works to expand parenting skills, economic stability and to ensure that unmet medical and dental needs are addressed,” explains Patty Wilson, NeighborImpact Deputy Director. “We not only advocate for the child, but the parents as well.”
NeighborImpact has been providing Head Start services in Deschutes and Crook counties for the past 13 years. Last year, the agency served 505 children in 23 classrooms. 92 percent of four-year-old children were ready to enter public schools and all children were connected to health and nutritional resources.
There are eligibility requirements for Head Start. Priority is given to children who are homeless, identified special needs, foster children and children who have suffered from abuse, neglect and early childhood trauma.NeighborImpact conducts rigorous assessments and more than 95 percent of the children enrolled in Head Start enter kindergarten having met national standards.
“Head Start is unique because of its specialized services. We want to make sure that all kids have the opportunity to overcome learning barriers so they can succeed in the public school system,” said Wilson.
To qualify, children must live in Deschutes or Crook counties and be three or four-years-old on September 1 , 2015. Applications and information regarding eligibility documentation is available for download at . Families can also call (541) 323-6527 to have an application mailed.
Recruiting efforts begin every spring with the goal of filing all available slots by June. Space is limited so it is important that families apply today .