Deschutes County to mark Crime Victims’ Rights Week

Deschutes County will observe National Crime Victims’ Rights Week April 19-25. This year’s theme is “Engaging Communities, Empowering Victims.”
Each year, the Office for Victims of Crime has led communities in observing the week by promoting victims’ rights, honoring crime victims, and those who advocate on their behalf.
District Attorney John Hummel will recognize the week by reading a statement to commemorate National Crime Victims’ Rights week at the Courthouse landing, 1164 NW Bond St. in Bend, on Monday April 20 at noon.
During the ceremony, a few words will be shared from a victim of crime regarding her experiences with Deschutes County and the Victims’ Assistance Program. This event is open to the public and the media. District Attorney Hummel encourages everyone to attend the important event.
During National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, the DA’s Office will honor and recognize victim advocates, volunteer victim advocates, Deschutes County Juvenile Community Justice, Saving Grace, The KIDS Center, and Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), and many other service groups, agencies and organizations that work tirelessly to advocate for victims of crime.
The mission of the Deschutes County District Attorney’s Victims’ Assistance Program (VAP) is to involve crime victims and the community in a restorative process that diminishes the devastating impact of crime. In 2014, the Deschutes District Attorney’s Office filed on approximately 4.939 criminal cases with listed victims. The Victims’ Assistance Program (VAP) provided over 24,000 points of contact to those victims and persons walking in to Victim’s Assistance asking for assistance.
The staff and volunteers who comprise the VAP provide services to victims of all types of crime, including:
Helping victims navigate the criminal justice system.
Inform victims of their rights.
Support, guidance and resource referral assistance to help provide stabilization.
Case status information.
Assistance with crime victims’ compensation and restitution.
Courtroom accompaniment.
Community education, outreach and public awareness.
For those interested in learning more about victims service programs in our community (donating, volunteering, or requiring services/information):
District Attorney’s Victims’ Assistance: (541) 388-6525
Juvenile Justice Center: (541) 388-6671
Saving Grace: (541) 389-7021
KIDS Center: (541) 383-5958
CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates): (541) 389-1618
The Deschutes County District Attorney’s Office encourages persons with disabilities to participate in all programs and activities. This event/location is accessible to people with disabilities. If you need accommodations to make participation possible, please call Diane at (541) 388-6525.