Buehler: Kitzhaber whistleblower hero, not criminal

State Rep. Knute Buehler, R-Bend, spoke on the Oregon House floor Thursday in support of Michael Rodgers, the whistleblower who leaked the emails at the center of the Kitzhaber and Cylvia Hayes scandal.
Buehler made a personal donation to help Rodgers with his legal expenses and advocated for legislation to protect future whistleblowers from adverse consequences.
“Michael Rodgers isn’t an Oregon criminal – he is an Oregon hero. He deserves our respect and our support, not the burden of mounting legal bills,” said Buehler. “Yesterday, I made a personal contribution to support Mr. Rodgers in his legal defense and I urge others who feel government should be open, transparent, and accountable to the people to join me.”
Rodgers worked in state government for 15 years and was responsible for managing email servers for public employees.
While Kitzhaber was under investigation for misuse of office, Buehler said, Rodgers refused orders from the governor’s office and Michael Jordan, director of the Department of Administrative Services and Rodgers’ boss, to delete thousands of emails that could be used as evidence and many of which were official public records – making it illegal to destroy them.
Instead, the lawmaker said, he shared the emails with the media and now is being prosecuted for his actions.
“Unfortunately, while Governor Kitzhaber and Ms. Hayes have hired the best lawyers money can buy, Michael Rodgers must defend himself, his job, and his reputation. He must defend himself from the very government he has served and has sought to protect,” said Buehler.
During his statement, Buehler requested a hearing for legislation he introduced over a month ago to protect whistleblowers from being punished for their actions. The bill (HB 3455) was immediately referred to a closed committee and has not been granted a public hearing.
“While protecting Michael Rodgers from unfair and unjust government prosecution is necessary, what’s essential is that this legislature strengthen our whistleblower protection laws before we adjourn in just a few short weeks,” said Buehler.
“Let’s rise above narrow political interests to do what is right, not what is comfortable nor easy. Let’s hear and pass HB 3544 and protect Oregonians brave enough to stand against corrupt government.”